Attero Dominatus

by Sabaton

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on April 16, 2010, 9:24 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Attero Dominatus

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Vocals
2nd → Rhythm Guitar
3rd → Lead Guitar
4th → Bass Guitar
5th → Harmony Guitar
6th → Keyboard Lead
7th → Percussion
8th → Keyboard Choir
9th → Keyboard Strings

File Size

128 KB




A-tter-o! Do-min-a-tus! Ber-lin is bur-ning Den-i-que! In-ter-i-mo! The reich has fall-en We stand at the gates of Ber-lin With two and a half mill-ion men With six thou-sand tanks in our ranks Use them as bat-ter-ing rams Ar-til-ler-y lead-ing our way A mill-ion gren-ades has been launched The na-zis must pay for their crimes The wings of the ea-gle's been bro-ken Mar-shall Zhu-kov's ord-ers: Serve me Ber-lin on a plate! Dis-re-gard the los-ses The city is ours to take A-tter-o! Do-min-a-tus! Ber-lin is bur-ning Den-i-que! In-ter-i-mo! The reich has fall-en The price of a war must be payed Mill-ions of lives has been lost The price must be paid by the men That star-ted the war in the thir-ties The spring of the year for-ty five The year when the na-zis will fall We're in-side the gates of Ber-lin The beak of the ea-gle is bro-ken Com-rade Sta-lins or-ders: Serve me it's head on a plate Dis-re-gard the los-ses The ea-gle's land is ours to take A-tter-o! Do-min-a-tus! Ber-lin is bur-ning Den-i-que! In-ter-i-mo! The reich has fall-en March! Fight! Die! In Ber-lin! March! Fight! Con-quer! Ber-lin! A-tter-o! Do-min-a-tus! Ber-lin is bur-ning Den-i-que! In-ter-i-mo! The reich has fall-en A-tter-o! Do-min-a-tus! Ber-lin is bur-ning Den-i-que! In-ter-i-mo! The reich has fall-en A-tter-o!